Afwijzende verklaring van de nieuwe Auteursrechtrichtlijn

Deze week schreven wij dat de tekst van de nieuwe Auteursrechtrichtlijn is vastgesteld, maar nog wel de instemming van het Europees Parlement behoeft. Zojuist is een gezamenlijk afwijzende verklaring van Nederland, Luxemburg, Polen, Italië en Finland +Declaration+NL+ea+on+Copyright+DSM.pdf”>gepubliceerd. Dat de voorgestelde richtlijn de (on)nodige open/vage normen kent wisten we al. De Lidstaten bevestigen dit en concluderen tot afwijzing. We houden u op de hoogte van de ontwikkelingen.

Statement of the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Italy and Finland to point 39 of the CRP I agenda of 20 February 2019 regarding the DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on copyright in the Digital Single Market.

The objectives of this Directive were to enhance the good functioning of the internal market and to stimulate innovation, creativity, investment and production of new content, also in the digital environment. The signatories support these objectives. Digital technologies have radically changed the way content is produced, distributed and accessed. The legislative framework needs to reflect and guide these changes.

However, in our view, the final text of the Directive fails to deliver adequately on the above-mentioned aims. We believe that the Directive in its current form is a step back for the Digital Single Market rather than a step forward.

Most notably we regret that the Directive does not strike the right balance between the protection of right holders and the interests of EU citizens and companies. It therefore risks to hinder innovation rather than promote it and to have a negative impact the competitiveness of the European Digital Single Market.
Furthermore, we feel that the Directive lacks legal clarity, will lead to legal uncertainty for many stakeholders concerned and may encroach upon EU citizens’ rights.
We therefore cannot express our consent with the proposed text of the Directive.